OP DSL - Projects
This page lists a number of ongoing and potential future projects
Ongoing projects
- Tri-(and multi-) diagonal solver development and integration to OPS
- New code-gen system with Clang/libtooling/MLIR
- Adaptive Mesh Refinement in OPS
- Coupling different parallel software (e.g. sparse linear solver, FFT)
- Multi-material data structures
Future features and projects
- Visualisation
Type: new core feature
Difficulty: medium
Description: visually analysing the results of the simulation is key for scientific insight. This can be done either off-line, once the simulation finished, or on-line as the simulation is progressing. This project involves understanding the VTK format and data structures, and implementing support for writing datasets to file for off-line visualisation, followed by doing this on-line using the Catalyst framework
- Conversion tool for Fortran
Type: compilers
Difficulty: hard
Description: converting legacy applications to use the OPS and OP2 APIs is relatively straightforward for most codes, but is still a very manual process. This project will look into using Flang to analyse simple tightly nested loops and determine access patterns, then outline the loop body and replace it with a call to OPS or OP2.